Wednesday, March 19, 2014


I just wanted to encourage you today to keep going.  I know that in our lives it's easy just to give up and stop doing the things that will drive you closer to God.  I know that in your One Month to Live readings you can get discouraged with all that you are asked to do.  I wanted to encourage you to Keep Going.  Nothing good ever happens when You do NOTHING.  Through your readings and your prayers and through you taking the time to witness you are drawing near to God.  He said in James 4:8 "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you".  So don't get down on yourself if you are behind.  Pick up where you left off and finish when you finish.  Life isn't a sprint it's a marathon.  You need to take this one day at a time and soak it all in.  Keep up the good work

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