Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Just had to Blog about day 2

A couple of things jumped out at me in Day 2.  I think we may discuss this tomorrow night at Prayer Meeting.  Toward the end of the chapter he talked about David facing Goliath.  It was ridiculous for David to think he could defeat Goliath who not only was a large man, but he had been fighting since he was a boy.   He called this ridiculous faith.

Have you ever had Ridiculous faith.  I want to have that kind of faith.  I want my kids to have that kind of faith.  I want our Sunday School teachers to have that kind of faith.  Let's live as if we believe the Bible is the word of God.  Let us live as if he is still Alive and working in our lives.  I want Ridiculous faith.  What about you?

I love this quote.

When you look at life from the ground level, giants fill up the screen.  David, on the other hand, was looking at life from a God-level perspective.  When you look at life from His perspective, giants become really small.

I want to look at life from that God-level perspective.  I want to have the faith that he will get us through.

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