Saturday, May 17, 2014

Real People Real Needs

Earlier this week I got a phone call from someone in need.  Now honestly I can't say that I've always helped those that I saw in need around me.  I've offered excuses like I don't know those homeless people.  What will they do with the money if I give it to them.  They maybe scamming me.  You may have a better list of excuses than that.  This week as I listened to her tell me of her struggle I knew I had to do something.  1. Because I knew God was telling me to.  2.  Because she had already been turned down for every other church she called.  

#2 broke my heart.  You see we are supposed to be the people that help the down and out.  We are supposed to be the people that care about the less fortunate.  I hate it when other christians ruin for the rest of us.  I hate it when the name of Jesus is dragged down the gutter by people who claim to be his representatives.  I hate fake christians.  

Someone is reading this and thinking of the verse that Jesus said "The poor will always be with us."  I understand that and I still don't believe that you reach a world with words, but with actions.  I can't help everyone, but I can help the one standing right in front of me.  God give me the courage to help those that you put in my path.  Real People.  Real Needs

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