Monday, January 29, 2018

When life feels out of control, that's because it is.

Last week wasn't easy.  It started with a vertigo episode and I'm still getting over it.  I remember Thursday it seemed like there was a lot of pressure on me with just a lot of things all happening at the same time.  It was such a time of heaviness of my soul.  There was so much heaviness from the weight of everything I was carrying.  My wife was having some blood pressure issues and I was worried about her that morning.  After I dropped Riley Beth off at her school I went to church and was in my personal worship time.  I remember when I got that text that said my blood pressure was perfect.  It's like all of a sudden all of that heaviness was lifted.  God tells us to cast all our burdens on him.  Thursday was my reminder to do that.  When life feels out of control, that's because it is.  Give it to Jesus.  That's where it's supposed to be.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

The world is looking for a real church

This world is looking for a REAL church.  They aren't impressed with churches with empty people.  I pray that in everything we do we strive to be THAT church.  THAT church is a church that doesn't settle for what they have because it's comfortable.  We need to be a church that touches a community for him.  What is God leading you to do today.